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Let’s Get Walking!

Gait in Paediatrics

28 - 30 October 2022

North Lakes QLD

with Suzanne Davis Bombria, PT, C/NDT


Course Description

This three day evidence-based course covers the evaluation and treatment of gait in children from a Contemporary NDTA™ perspective.  Analyse the components and synergies associated with gait, from the acquisition of gait and its underlying components, to the challenge of changing gait in children with a well-established pattern.  Clinicians will increase both their knowledge base and hands-on skills in order to further the child’s functional and participation level.  Course instruction will include lecture, lab, video case studies, and live demonstrations.


Course Objectives

Upon completion of this course, participants will:

  • Relate critical movement components for the development of pre-gait and gait skills

  • Differentiate the phases of gait, how to measure, and the dynamic and mechanical elements of gait

  • Critique pre-gait and gait patterns of typical children

  • Examine key aspects of developmental biomechanics, kinesiology and alignment for the acquisition of standing and walking

  • Analyse gait and differentiate between variety of causes, including identification of multi-system and single system strengths and impairments

  • Explain and prioritize a minimum of the top four components needed for development of a focused treatment plan designed to improve function in a given child

  • Defend treatment ideas with evidence

  • Demonstrate four treatment strategies designed to improve components of gait


For further informaion, please contact us

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